Because the innocent will never last…

summer has come and past, the innocent can never last.
wake me up when desperation ends.

like my father’s come to past, 16 years has gone to fast.
wake me up when my childhood ends.

here comes the rain again, falling from the sky.
drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are.

as my memory rests, but never forgets what i lost,
wake me up when Jesus comes again.

Hi guys ;]. School started over two weeks ago. I have some more big decisions and thank God for labor day. I’m not dancing this year but you are free to ask why and talk to me about it…Did you ever dream of changing the world?

The Question’s Answer

He wrote a letter. Then he tore it up. Then he started again.

He hated clichés but sometimes they did seem oh so right.

“you make me. you complete me. you changed me but i’m so much the better for it.”

He couldn’t say it. He would sound desperate. Stupid. Like he was

Incapable of saying the words he really felt and was stuck

With those overused expressions.


He sighed. Could he really tell her how he really felt?

He took a breath. The fresh paper. The shiny ink.

If he spoke from experience about how she had changed him

Maybe she would listen. If he could go before and then go after

Maybe he could almost prove it to her.


“I lived for myself” He started. “But I live for the sake of life now”

He went on. “I stumbled through each day, never even

Contemplating the idea of destiny and purpose.”

His hand shook as he continued, “I was never aware that there

Was something more. I lived each day right after the other,

Never dreaming, never hoping, never aspiring. On the verge of

Suicide you redeemed me.” He shook out his hand and went on.

“You showed me that I was not the final answer to the

Paradox of myself. You only showed me that I was part of the

Final answer that God has asked me.


“I realized that I recognizing myself as God’s creation, as

God’s chosen human being, was answering God’s question,

“Do you love me? Will you live for me?” ”


He was drowning in overwhelming significance of the moment.

“Thank you for rescuing me. Thank you for saving me from myself.

Thank you for giving me something to live for everyday

Of my life. I can live in peace, in hope, in love, in life

In Him whom asked the question.” He lifted up his hands.

“Thank you Jesus for letting me be your final answer”